Dr Barbara Bordalejo
I am a professor with more than 20 years of experience in research, teaching, and project management. As an academic leader, I am president of the Canadian Society for Digital Humanities/ Société canadienne des humanités numériques and have served as Chair of Global Outlook:: Digital Humanities, Secretary of the European Association of Digital Humanities, and in various positions at ADHO.
My background in Digital Humanities and English literature has allowed ample experience in interdisciplinary collaborative projects. I edit texts, mostly Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, but also Darwin's Origin of Species.
Here is a link to my ORCID profile. You can also find me on Google Scholar, ResearchGate, and Academia.edu. For my Zenodo personal repository follow this link.​
I am working on a collection on the unessay, co-edited with Daniel P. O'Donnell and Ryan Cordell, and on various publications based on research carried out at the Humanities Innovation Lab.

Since 2015, I have worked on Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Decolonization in Digital Humanities. I gave presentations on the subject at the DH conference in Krakow. With Daniel O'Donnell, I delivered the ADHO diversity workshop at the annual DH conference (2017 to 2022). My article, Minority Report, was published in Bodies of Information (Edited by Elizabeth Losh and Jacqueline Wernimont). Intersectionality in Digital Humanities, which I co-edited with Roopika Risam, appeared in 2019 (Arc-Humanities Press and Amsterdam University Press).
In collaboration with Richard North (University College London) and Peter Robinson (University of Saskatchewan), I have been working on the CantApp, an application for mobile devices. On February 3rd 2020, we released the General Prologue of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. A web version of this work can be found on the Scholarly Digital Editions site. The app is free to download at Google Play or the Apple Store (search for Chaucer General Prologue). We have described the app here and here