Diversity Workshop 2019
delivered by Barbara Bordalejo and
Daniel O'Donnell, DH Utrecht.
One of the main characteristics of work in the Digital Humanities is collaboration: between individual scholars with complementary expertise, across disciplines, and across languages, countries, and continents. Many digital humanists have found that academic cultures can differ widely because cultural factors often weight on the scope and vision of individuals. For this reason, diversity is at the forefront of the Digital Humanities. This workshop aims to make the participants acquainted with different understandings of diversity in different parts of the globe while considering how more diverse teams contribute to the development of our work.
The workshop is directed at anyone with an interest in understanding diversity in digital humanities and creating a welcoming and inclusive DH environment. Conference organizers, leaders in the field, and those who often form part of hiring committees are invited to participate. Everyone is welcome to attend, but we particularly encourage the participation of people who are in privileged positions in academia, GLAM, or similar environments.
The workshop will combine presentations, individual work, and roundtables tackling issues such as:
· The importance of diversity
· Implicit bias
· Cultural cloning
· Intersectionality
· Civil courage
· Strategies for becoming more inclusive
· Effective collaboration across cultures
The workshop will cover gender, ethnic, and linguistic diversity, as well as topics such as ableism, cultural diversity, class, and other matters. The important notion of intercultural communication will also be addressed.
During these conversations and exercises, we will have a particular focus on the digital humanities as a working environment, but many of the strategies might be transposed to other areas or to the projects that we develop as digital humanists.